About Dr. Mick Kling:

Dr. Michael A. (Mick) Kling is a leadership trainer, consultant, speaker, writer, innovator and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of Impact Leadership, which provides leader- ship, culture and business consulting for the eye care community. 

In addition to his role with Impact Leader- ship, Mick is the founder and CEO of lnvision Optometry, one of the largest, single location optometric practices in San Diego, California. 

He has developed a notable reputation for providing conscientious and impactful advice, an engaging and influential speaking style, and innovative solutions for the most critical chal- lenges facing practice owners today. 

He is originally from Indiana, raised in Arkan- sas, and has resided in San Diego for almost 25 years. When not working, he spends time with his wife Jennifer, and two sons, Robert and Ryan.

Where to Find Dr. Mick Kling:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/impacteyecare/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/impactleadershipod/