Exceptional service, which creates patient loyalty and referrals, does not have to come at the cost of operational efficiency, but it can certainly seem that way. Consider this: An appointment-reminder call takes about three minutes; a call letting a patient know his glasses have come in takes roughly two minutes; a reminder call about a contact lens follow-up appointment takes about three minutes; and a call making a patient aware his contact lenses have arrived takes roughly three minutes. In total, that’s 11 minutes, which can really add up. What’s more, this is just a sample of what staff and a practice do to make a patient’s visit positively memorable. The good news: Patient communication technology is now available to increase operational efficiency. Further, this software is valued by patients, as it’s made their practice experiences even more enjoyable.

Here, I discuss the benefits of this technology.

READ MORE: https://www.optometricmanagement.com/issues/2018/december-2018/employ-patient-communication-tech